Micro pulling down (MPD) : crystal growth furnace

MPD for single crystal growth of thin rods and fibers.

The Micro Pulling Down system is a high temperature furnace from ECM Lab Solutions, adapted for direct growth of mono crystalline thin rods and fibers from the melt. With a working temperature up to 2200°C, it can be used to produce high length monocrystalline fibers (greater than 100 mm) of oxides, semiconductors, or metals. The furnace is based on a pull-down system where a fiber seed dipped into a suspended drop of melted charge is suspended from a capillary orifice at the base of the crucible.  The furnace is equipped with a Cyberstar pulling head with high stability providing a pulling speed resolution as low as 0.01 mm/h. These characteristics of the furnace make it ideal for laboratory use, as well as, for universities, R&D centers, and production facilities.



Up to 6mm diameter

Resistive or inductive heating

Cyberstrar precise pulling head

Translation speed from 0.01 mm/h to 100 mm/h and in Fast mode up to 100 mm/min

Precise pressure regulation system

Equipped with quartz window view ports

Operating security loop system

Chamber capabilities for primary and secondary vacuum


Ø : 0.5mm

Grown at 2200°C

Operation under vacuum, closed or open atmosphere

Automatic control system with PC computer and control software

Effective dimensions

Ø : 0.5 - 3mm


  • Pyrometer for temperature measurement
  • High magnification camera for monitoring and recording of the process


Possibility of automation



Medical Imagery
Solid Lasers





Related furnaces

Edge Defined Film Fed Crystal Growth (EFG) method
Czochralski puller (CZ)

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